Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Changing The World: KONY 2012 Mission

I've always wanted to make a difference in someone's life- anything, whether it has a small impact or a big impact. I've always wanted to change someone's life around and let them know everything will be okay. Recently, I was watching a video about the Kony2012 Mission, where an organization (called the Invisible Children) are trying to take down and arrest Jospeh Kony from abducting children and turning them into child soldiers into his group called the LRA. After I watched it, I was sick and disgusted with what this man has done to these Ugandian children and how he stole their childhood, youth and freedom. If you've watched the video or have not, it will touch your heart, like it touched mine. I want to do something to help these children to get them out of this mess and bring them to America for a brighter future. It doesn't matter who we are and were we come from; one voice/individual can change everything- no matter how you choose to approach this situation. I say we stop Kony and bring him before the court so that these kids can have justice for what he has done! Spread the word, "STOP KONY", "LETS MAKE HIM FAMOUS" "SHINE LIGHT ON AFRICA"! So I'm leaving you with the video link and how you can help. How can you make a difference in someone's life?


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